Creating shipments using CSV Import

Geändert am Fr, 14 Jan, 2022 um 12:43 NACHMITTAGS

The CSV shipments import feature enables you to create multiple shipments at the same time. Please follow the following steps:

  1. Download the empty CSV template file using the “Download template” button.

  2. Fill the CSV document with the shipments data.

  3. Upload the populated CSV document.

  4. If any issues exist, Fix them in the CSV file and then re-upload it.

  5. If no issues exist, Click on the “Confirm X shipment(s)” button to create the shipments.

List of fields in the CSV file

Field name


Possible values

Required if

Order number

Normally matches the shipment identifier in the shop, also used to identify multi-item shipments.


Shipment description

A description of the shipment.

Recipient name

Recipient’s name.


Recipient company

Recipient’s company name.

Recipient phone

Recipient’s phone number.

Recipient email

Recipient’s Email.

Shipping to DHL station


Recipient’s street name.



Recipient’s house number.



Extra address information.

Postal code

Recipient’s postal code.



Recipient’s city.


Country code

Recipient’s country.

Must be in alpha 2 country code format.


Shipping option

Courier’s shipping option.

“economy”, “standard” or “express”. 

Defaults to standard if not provided

Goods type

Required for customs.

“document”, “gift”, “sample” or “other”.

International shipment

Invoice number

Required for customs.

International shipment

Product SKU

The product’s SKU.

Must match a product’s SKU in the dashboard.



The product’s quantity.

Numerical value > 0


Price per item(€)

Price of the product.

Numerical value > 0

International shipment

Product customs tariff number

6-10 digit code

International shipment

Product weight

Weight per item.

Numerical value > 0

International shipment

Product origin country code

Country where the product was manufactured.

Must be in alpha-2 country code format.

International shipment

Important notes:

  • Make sure to fill all the required fields. There is an asterisk (*) next to the required fields in the CSV file.

  • Each row in the CSV corresponds to a shipment with 1 shipment item. If you need to send 1 shipment with 2 different SKUs for example, you need to have 2 rows with the same order number but different product data.

  • The recipient address will be validated after the shipment's creation, if the address validation feature is enabled.

  • The product SKU must match a product’s SKU from Byrd’s dashboard. You can find a list of all your products here.

  • “Country code” & “Product origin country code” fields both must be in the alpha-2 country code format. For example, “DE” for “Germany”. You can find a list of alpha-2 country codes here.

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